A mini power station in Zomba

A fourth year University of Malawi student at chancellor college has developed a noiseless power station with a capacity of 4 KW. Four houses have so far been supplied with electricity from the station at new road area in Zomba district.

Enock Kachokola, who is currently pursuing Bachelor of science in electronics told ProjectM that the development started in March 2023 at a time the country had gone into persistent load shedding particularly when the southern region was hardly hit by the devastating tropical cyclone Freddy.

Kachokola further said, apart from supplying uninterrupted electricity for a period of 24 hours, it can as well provide power to a range of appliances from mobile phones to house hold electrical equipment which include: refrigerators, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners adding that the station is able to perform the same way with the already existing back up systems .

‘’I came up with this hard work idea to provide a more effective way of addressing frequent power interruptions the country is experiencing. The challenge is that I do not have enough resources to grow because I don’t have anyone to help me financially’’.

According to the the Kachoka, his current need is about 50 million Kwacha. This will allow him to procure important electronic components in order to do mass production for it to be widely available on the market.

On this he appealed to government, individuals of good will and non governmental organizations to assist him with financial support to help contribute to the development goals of the country and to ensure that Malawians are no longer affected by excessive loadsheddings.

Further, the Chanco student advised young people aspiring for electronics and various fields, to venture it with dedication in order to successfully bring a tangible solutions to the challenges of persistent black outs in the country.

For any assistance you may contact him on:0881095101 or 0994683271

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