Tisungu Phiri, a 27-year-old graduate from Lilongwe University of Natural Resources (LUANAR) has opened up a market outlet for local dairy farmers through her business venture called Creamy Dream Enterprise. 

 Phiri produces what has become a popular range of dairy products that provide an income for local dairy farmers and a source of great nutrition for local consumers.

Speaking with ProjectM in an interview Phiri said Creamy Dream Enterprises aims at transforming the nation’s economy through food industrialisation. 

She said: “The pain of having the milk but sells at relatively low prices and also issues of losses is what moved me to establish this company. My grandmother used to supply milk at some company but the cost of production and what she was getting did not match which forced me to think of ways of adding value to it.”

The 27-year-old said apart from yoghurt production, Phiri also offer peanut butter grinding services to those who can’t manage to access the equipment. 

Creamy Dream is also into consultancy services where people are imparted knowledge on value addition and food processing.

“So far, I have trained a total of 100 youths in peanut butter production and also coached and mentor more than 20 agri-preneurs,” she said.

Phiri attested to how business has transformed her livelihood because of the company.

She said: “My journey in business started on a humble note. But through hard work and dedication, I have been able to achieve significant milestones. 

“One of the most rewarding aspects has been the ability to reinvest profits back into the business, allowing me to expand and purchase key assets like refrigerator, peanut butter machines that have bolstered our operations.”  

Andrew Phiri is one of the trainees at Creamy Dream Consultancy and he plans to venture into peanut making business.

“I attended the training under the organisation that I work for. I can attest to the fact the training was indeed an eye opener as I am talking, I have already purchased all necessary equipment and I am good to go,” Phiri explained.

Apart from peanut butter making and dairy products, Creamy Dream makes and sells swan freezes and bottled water. 

She has since advised fellow youths to embrace humble beginnings as such reward greatly.



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