A 27-year-old Lackson Kenani has waged a war against pollution and environmental degradation by embarking on a recycling drive of refuse in Mzuzu City.

The innovator collects refuse people throw away and recycle into chairs, shoe racks, baskets, bags, teaching and learning materials.

He told ProjectM in an interview that he developed a passion for recycling after being appalled by the amount of refuse people threw away in the city.

“I noticed that some residents were throwing away refuse anyhow and I came up with the idea of recycling as one way of countering the trend,” Kenani said.

He collects refuse such as food wrappers, PVC pipes, cartons, gift wrappers and bottles to recycle it into reusable products.

“Currently, I have managed to sharpen my skills as I am now able to produce products such as sofa sets, dining sets, door shutters and other products using refuse I collect from various collection points,” he said.

Kenani said he wishes to see an increase in the use of products that can be recycled to help to fight environmental degradation.

Environmental activist Maloto Chimkombero has urged people to support Kenani’s dream, saying he has the potential to change people’s mindset towards recycling products.

The Ministry of Water and Sanitation has on several occasions advised people in the country to embrace recycling as one way of improving hygiene in the county’s cities.

Kenani can be contacted on 0990837363.

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