A 25-year-old Joshua John, who won the National Commission for Science and Technology Science Innovators Award, has dared the country to embrace the art and innovation of science.

He said this after winning the “House Power Bank” which he innovated as part of increasing the efficient use of electricity especially in remote areas institutions such as in hospitals or Schools.

He alluded: “Despite carrying the name of a Power Bank, be assured that this is not just a mere or ordinary power source that charges phones only as this assertion lies in the minds of many people. This House Power Bank is more like a generator which can be used to iron clothes, power fridges and other electric appliances.”

John added that the government through the Ministry of Health, among others, were approached and he expressed content with the ministry’s nod to his innovative machine.

He said with the Ministry of Health personnel, they have planted the device in some public hospitals in the country such as in Mchinji.

“To have your innovation materials accepted by the government is not a joke. Innovation materials have to be examined thoroughly by different expertise and mine passed through the same thing for which I am grateful,” he said.

Efforts to talk to Mchinji District Hospital Spokesperson proved futile but one health expert George Jobe has appreciated such innovative ideas in the health circles describing them a step towards improving health service delivery.

“Issues of persistent power outages affect the operation of hospitals and having such an idea to supplement the electricity is very vital and I would like to encourage youths who have similar ideas to work towards achieving them,” said Jobe.

Joshua John can be found on 0991059168 (calls) and he has various shops in Lilongwe, Mlangalanga where he has also employed other people with hopes of expanding his vision while imparting the skills to others.

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