Citizen foundation to distribute K5M food items to needy

The Citizen Foundation, which partnered K.K. Motors, says it will spend about K5 million on food distribution exercise to over 210 vulnerable households across the country as one way of addressing hunger and food security.

The distribution exercise, which started on Saturday last week, will benefit people with disabilities, orphans and other vulnerable groups.

The beneficiary family will each receive a 50 kilogrammes bag of maize flour.

Speaking to ProjectM Founding Director of the organisation Rodwell Lumbe said the Southern, Central and the Northern Region will each receive 70 bags of maize flour.

He said the first phase of the exercise, which started in the Southern Region, came to an end on Monday August 7.

The exercise was benefited people in Blantyre, Thyolo, Mulanje, Zomba and Balaka.

Lumbe told projectM that after the Southern Region, the second phase will start this weekend in the Central Region and finish with the Northern Region.

“We would like to extend our gratitude to all our supporters and partners who have contributed to this initiative as part of our commitment to providing essential support and uplift communities who have made it possible for us to assist the needy. Kindly note that we approached the communities to identify names of people whom they think can be beneficiaries of the project with a greater need for support as we intend to reach out to 1,000 people with the assistance,” he said.

He said as a charity organisation with a mission to uplift and support vulnerable communities it is appealing to people of goodwill, public and the private sectors to work with one accord to assist the needy.

“By extending a helping hand and providing food aid to vulnerable families, we want to make sure that no one dies of hunger in this country. Together we can make a difference and help rebuild their lives,’’ said Lumbe.

To donate food items or to make a cash donation you may contact Rodwell Lumbe on: 0995880045

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