Dedza based young farmer, Werengani Nabot is generating significant profits after developing an innovative approach to agriculture.
Based in Biwi James village in the area of Traditional Authority Chauma, Nabot is producing fertilizer from human urine, an unconventional method that has boosted his farming venture.
The innovation has not only boosted his vegetable garden’s yields, but has also earned him a reputation as a reliable supplier of fresh produce at locals markets.
The young farmer has indicated that his journey to becoming a successful farmer begun when he learned the skills of producing urine-based fertilizer from renowned green champion, Edward Chidombe Msiska.
“With this knowledge which I acquired earlier this year, I set out to experiment in my garden,” Nabot said.
He said the results were nothing short of remarkable.
“My garden begun to flourish, producing an abundance of fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, onions and of course Maize,” said Nabot.
As news of his success spread, locals begun to take notice and soon Nabot found himself supplying his produce to markets in the area.
“I am doing all this, thanks to the urine-based fertilizer that has proven to be a game-changer in my agricultural pursuits,” he added.
His goal is to ramp up production of the fertilizer in a bid to increase his yields.
Renowned green champion, Edward Chidombe Msiska has described Nabot’s success as an inspiration to his peers.
“The fact that Nabot implemented what he was taught gives me energy and belief that with determination, anything is possible,” said Msiska.