Making girls shine in rural primary schools with school uniforms

“We can make kids from rural primary schools shine and be motivated at school,”

Chimwemwe Ngugi Buleya starts with that open remarks in an interview with ProjectM following her introduction of “Kuwala Initiative” which she says, is aimed at providing school uniforms for underprivileged kids in primary schools.

Buleya, who is a journalist by profession, a model and a fashion designer, says her genesis in developing such an initiative started after looking at how some kids from rural communities are struggling to make ends meet especially in acquiring school uniforms.

“I was traveling at Air wing Side in Lilongwe where I observed that most kids I saw going to school, were not in school uniform. I managed to tour some few rural primary schools within Lilongwe and I noticed that the challenges were quite similar and this reason sparkled my interest of embarking on this initiative.” Said Buleya.

She further states that her passion for the initiative emerged strongly after noting such scenarios, and she maximized her designing as well as tailoring skills by making school uniforms using her own resources.

She said: “My goal is to reach girls from many rural primary schools across the country and I want this initiative to be sustainable because we will still be encountering girls who are failing to attend school or finding it hard to acquire a school uniform. This is not a one’s man show and I want to call on partners or well-wishers who have the same vision to join hands and make this work for the promotion of a girl-child education.”

Meanwhile, Buleya says Kuwala Initiative is making school uniforms for at least 88 needy learners at Chambwe Primary School at Mpingu (Lilongwe- Mchinji road).

She believes it is possible to make school uniforms for all needy learners in various rural primary schools in the country and make girls shine at school and hence the name “Kuwala initiative.”

For contact details, Chimwemwe Ngugi Buleya can be reached on 0994672224 and also on Facebook by searching “Kuwala Initiative”.

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