Building a vibrant community

As one way of building a vibrant community that is able to read and write, the Namwali family launched an organization on 7 January 2023 called Effie Namwali Foundation (ENF) with the aim of empowering the community through education, sports, arts and culture and apprenticeship programs.

Speaking during the launch, chairperson for ENF, Jeremy Namwali said that they were raised by the community and they thought it wise to give back what they got from the community. “This project is for the people of Phodogoma village and other surrounding villages and as such the organization will need a place to build infrastructures that we will be operating from”, Namwali said.

In her remarks, Project coordinator for ENF, Chisomo Kalembo, said that lack of information about menstrual hygiene is one of the contributing factors of school dropouts among girls. “Parents need to give girls the right information about menstrual hygiene”, Kalembo said. She further advised the girls to restrain from laughing or discriminating their friends who have been re-admitted to school after giving birth.

Commenting during the launch, chief Phodogoma thanked the Namwali Family for the introduction of the organization and its initiatives. He also commended the family especially the parents for being selfless to help the community they live in as they are originally from Mulanje district.

“My fellow chiefs, leaders, teachers as well as parents we need to work hand in hand in helping girls and adults to go back to school inorder to build a better community”, Phodogoma added.

“Despite being laughed by friends at school, I did not stop going to school”, said Fyness Moselela who is one of the beneficiaries of ENF. Moselela was approached by Mr Chipiku to go back to school after she gave birth. Upon hearing such news she was extremely happy as she saw it to be an opportunity to become someone reliable in the future. Moselela who is a grade seven student came pos

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