Zomba Press Club celebrates Labour Day by doing general cleaning at ZCH

As part of celebrating this year’s International Labour Day, Media practitioners under the banner of, Zomba Press Club on May 1,2023 converged at the Zomba Central Hospital (ZCH) to participate in the general clean-up exercise as one way of showing solidarity to the workers at the institution.

The Club’s spokesperson, Mbanandi Mahala told projectM that, as the country is celebrating this day, journalists should remember the importance of hard work and dedication in creating a better World for all and also understanding the value of labour and the significant role it plays in our society.

‘’On this special day, we are here not only to celebrate but also to give back to our community by participating in this clean up exercise. We believe that through our efforts we can make a positive impact on the lives of patients and staff at this hospital’ ’said Mahala.

However, Mahala also reminded Journalists to recommit themselves to the cause of workers rights and work towards creating a world where all workers are treated with dignity and respect, thereby striving to ensure that everyone has access to fair wages, safe working conditions and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Speaking on behalf of the hospital Director, Grace Panchi, a Senior Nursing officer at the institution was very thankful to the media for the cleaning services they have rendered to the hospital describing it as a blessing to the community.

‘’We have a very big shortage of staff here within and outside the wards. We have long desired and expected our hospital to look so clean but we can not afford this because of the shortage of man-power. We are advocating to all stakeholders to emulate what members of the Zomba press club have done, so that our facility which caters for Phalombe,Mangochi,Balaka,Machinga among others should always look clean and admirable’’,Panchi concluded.

The theme for this year’s commemoration in Malawi is: Natural Disasters a Threat To Livelihoods and Decent work, Creating Decent Jobs And Extending Social Protection Is Key To Sustainable Recovery.

The International Labour Day is observed to raise awareness and educate people about the importance of respecting workers rights.

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