Louis Nsomba, an expert in phone repair

A 22-year-old boy, Louis Nsomba, who was born with a disability that hinders him from walking and sitting has asked well-wishers to support him so that he can advance his phone repair expertise.

On 9th April, 2023, he told ProjectM, that he is encountering numerous challenges in terms of his skill set. Among other challenges, he said, he needs money amounting to Two Hundred Thousand Kwacha to purchase spare parts in order to assist his customers more quickly.

‘I need adequate funding to be able to effectively help out my customers. Sometimes customers have to go home without getting the help they need because I don’t have any spare parts on hand. I am appealing to all generous individuals to kindly lend me a helping hand.’ Louis requested.

Louis mentioned that people of good will can do more than just offering him cash; they can purchase materials like LCDs, phone batteries, phone speakers and touch screens just to name a few.

Louis shared that no one taught him how to repair phones, and thanked God for blessing him with such a talent.

‘No one trained me how to fix phones. This is the gift that God has given me, a way to pursue my passion without begging on the streets.’ Disclosed Louis.

He has however, stressed that he is delighted with his work and his desire is to open a shop so that people can easily access his services.

Commenting on this, his father, Mr Nsomba said that at the beginning he received the skill out of fear because Louis was not trained by anyone.

‘What emerged was that his phone had a fault but surprisingly he fixed it himself. When the news reached out to the villagers, people started coming here to get their phones repaired.’ Said Mr Nsomba.

Mr Nsomba further said that he is glad because his son meets his daily bread and has appealed to well-wishers to assist him with solar panel.

Louis Nsomba hails from Chileka, Dziwe , Traditional Authority Kuntaja in Blantyre.

For any support, please contact him on 0885662498 or 0991480004.

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