Christopher Chikaoneka, a highly talented young man born with physical disability but defied his circumstances to affect his life, earning extra cash through bricklaying.

However, understandably, he declined to make public his earnings which he shared with us in confidence.

Chikaoneka, 32, from Chasweka Vilage, Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza District, has built a thriving career and became a role model for others facing similar challenges.

He told ProjectM that his successful experience of life has been so hard, emotionally exhausting and challenging.

The man, who had his arm amputated while in Standard Three when he fell from a tree and sustained serious injuries said even at his home village, he faced numerous obstacles and prejudices to the extent that he was being sidelined and underestimated in many aspects because of his disability.

He has shared his success story how TEVETA helped him to become a successful entrepreneur.

“My journey to this achievement was no easy feat, in terms of excelling in my professional development.

Not even a single person supported my choice to further my studies and in my village, people with various disabilities had no proper chance to acquire technical skills and this motivated me to work tirelessly and become a beacon of hope and love in the lives of others.”

Chikaoneka`s success story started when he was selected to pursue Bricklaying at Salima Technical College a few years ago.

In 2020, he graduated with advanced Certificate in Bricklaying under the TEVETA Sector and this sparked a fame of passion and determination in his career and helped him find innovative ways to overcome obstacles.

Soon after graduating from college, he landed his dream job with Palm Construction Company which was building classroom blocks in Dedza District and with a strong drive to excel in everything he undertakes in life, he was promoted from a bricklayer to become the head bricklayer.

“The following year, I became an independent contractor and won more projects which include construction of classroom blocks at Chimwanguru Primary School, a Day care classroom block at Njonja Living Waters Church, a double classroom block at Chikuyu Primary School, all in Dedza District.

With TEVETA’S support I have not only achieved my financial goals but also gained invaluable insights into the art of wealth and job creation,” said Chikaoneka.

However, in 2023, the TEVETA graduate made a breakthrough as a site foreman, when he successfully won a MACRA project to construct ICT LAB at Mlodza Secondary School, Area 23 in Lilongwe where he has employed about 22 people both men and women.

He has emphasised that youths should use the early years of their lives productively to acquire technical skills essential for the most in-demanded jobs.

“Start today and invest in your future career because the path to success is not easy, but with unwavering dedication, hard work and relentless pursuit of knowledge dreams can indeed become a reality,” he said.

The innovator said, his future plan is to establish his own company, thereby contributing to government’s efforts to create employment opportunities.

Charles Chikaoneka’s adventure is a source of motivation for not only his friends and family members but also for numerous other young individuals aspiring to leave a lasting impact on the globe.

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