The Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education has released the 2024 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination results.

MANEB Executive Director Dorothy Nampota disclosed during a meeting on Monday in Lilongwe that more students have passed as compared to last year.

She said out of 172,434 candidates, who sat for the examinations, 97,222, have passed representing a pass rate of 54.79 percent which is an improvement from the 2023’s pass rate of 54.40 percent.

She also said out of 92,686 male students, 56,415 have passed representing a 60.87 percent pass rate while of the 85,748 females 40,802 have made it, representing a 48.25 percent pass rate

Meanwhile Zomba Urban Education District led in the top performing districts with 61.97 percent, Mzuzu City was second with 61.87 percent, Karonga came third with 61.13 percent, fourth-placed Dowa got 60.05 percent.

Fifth-placed Chitipa had 59.81 percent, Nkhotakota in sixth scored 59.07 percent, Dedza seventh with 58.95 percent, Phalombe emerged eighth with 57.05 percent, Ntchisi ninth with 57.02 percent while Nkhata Bay wrapped up the top 10 with 56.71 percent.
On the other hand, the results have seen Catholic secondary schools doing well with nine in the top 10 for scoring distinctions.

However, Lilongwe Islamic School has emerged the best performer with a 47.34 percent, Loyola Jesuit of Kasungu has registered 47.01 percent, Marist of Dedza (45.48), Mtendere of Dedza (41.95), St Kizito Seminary of Dedza (41.07), Nkhata Bay (40.83), Likuni Boys (40.71), Ludzi Girls of Mchinji (38.87), Chaminade Marianist of Lilongwe Rural West (36.89) and Pius XII of Chiradzulu (35.86).

From the top 10 only Nkhata Bay is a government Secondary School.

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