Located just a few kilometers from the Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in M’bang’ombe village, Lilongwe, “Sam’s Village” is a self-sustaining eco-tourist center which is providing patrons with a great value for their money.

Established 16 years ago, the 17-acre village has in the last few years transformed into a self-sustaining training centre for tourists who want to acquire knowledge in permaculture and organic ways of farming.

A tour conducted by ProjectM at the site revealed a thriving ecosystem with over 700 indigenous trees and plant medicines.

The facility, which is owned by a charity organisation operating under the name Vision Malawi, is on course to become one of the country’s best tourists sites mainly for people who love nature and creativity.

Vision Malawi operations manager Oscar Chunda told ProjectM that among others, Sam’s Village is a great venue for tourists en route to the airport or those who want to have a quiet weekend, away from the busy city life.

“What we have here is a unique establishment where patrons are also treated to cultural dances, cycling and holistic retreats, among other activities.

The facility can accommodate up to 50 people in three residential blocks, with each block boasting a communal space and an outdoor self-catering area.

“Our surroundings as you can see has permaculture gardens that grow food for the centre, making it one of the country’s self-sustaining holiday resort.

Apart from providing excellent tourism related services, the centre is also providing surrounding communities with training in permaculture, disability awareness and gender-based violence.

Plans are underway to construct an additional outdoor learning centre specifically for conferences and meetings.

Malawians have since been urged to patronise the facility as the nation commemorates the 2024 tourism month which was launched on the 31 August and is scheduled to end on 30 September 2024.

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