In Lilongwe, a cooperative of like-minded youths operating under the name “True Action in Youth Development (TAYODE) is on course to become one of the country’s successful cooperatives after venturing into Beekeeping and Honey production business.

The cooperative is currently harvesting 1700 kilogrammes of honey from 170 beehives purchased recently.

TAYODE Programmes director MacDonald Chimlaza says the group has upscaled its production after receiving financial support from the Malawi Agricultural Commercialisation (AGCOM) project.

“We were very lucky to receive a grant of k34 million from AGCOM, money we used to procure 150 beehives and more equipment for processing honey products,” he said.

Apart from buying beehives, the cooperative also constructed a honey processing factory in Lilongwe which is currently in operation.

“We are now packaging honey products under a brand called Thanzi Natural honey, packaged in 500 millilitre bottles,” said Chimlaza.

The 44-member cooperative comprises youths ranging from 20 to 35 years.

Before receiving the grant, the group had 20 beehives only that produced 200 kilogrammes of honey per harvest.

But according to Chimlaza, the current investment is set to change that with projections showing that the cooperative will be raking in not less than K17 million per harvest.

“As a cooperative, we have agreed to share 60 percent of the profits while 40 percent will be channeled towards further investments,” he added.

AGCOM National Programme Coordinator Dr Teddie Nankhumwa has since commended the cooperative for properly investing the money which was offered to them.

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