The Liwonde National Park is one of the Malawi’s parks along the Shire River up to Lake Malombe.

It is the national park with incredible wildlife reintroduction and translocation has become a haven for wildlife and valuable.

The national park was founded in 1973 and it covers an area of approximately 55,000 hectares in size.

A resident at Liwonde Trading Centre, Denis Amidu said the environment of Liwonde National Park is fertile which makes it attractive setting for wildlife.

He told ProjectM that the rough tracks and footpaths offer viewers of the wildlife such as elephants, hippos and the endangered species black rhinos.

“The grassland of the Shire River and woodland habitats are home to crocodiles, leopards and antelopes,” said the resident.

Grace Jalasi from Nselema also said the Liwonde National Park is also rich in birdslife which include rare species like Pel’s fishing owl.

She said the park is one of the most popular of all the country’s game parks which has beautiful riverine.

According to Jalasi, the park discourages communities to go into the park illegally and preventing wildlife from entering into the villages.

“This improves the lives of the locals living around the park,” she said.

Liwonde National Park Ranger and safari guide Nelson Chikwewa said the park has all the three types of animals basing on their eating habits.

He said in the park, there are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

“We have lions, hyenas, buffaloes, wild dogs and about 380 different birds species,” said Chikwewa.

The ranger further said Liwonde National Park receives more visitors to see various animals found in the national park which has the best accommodations.

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