Renowned youth activist Blessings Chiwosi has authored a book titled “Malawian Wealth Creation” which among others, is reviewing the aspirations of the country’s 2063 vision.

The book also suggests practical ways that can help the country develop economically with youth at the center stage.

Chiwosi has told ProjectM that the book suits the context of Malawi, which he said is in need of pragmatic individuals to develop.

“The book suggests practical ways that can be employed to suit the context of Malawi which I believe needs local solutions to develop,” Chiwosi said.

The activist cum entreprenuer also spoke against the tendency of copy and paste methods being implemented in the country, which he said have not helped the country.

“For a long time, leaders have been implementing methods that have worked somewhere else but cannot work here and I want to change that,” said Chiwosi.

He has since implored youths and Malawians in general to read the book, saying it is one of the keys to success.

The book has since been launched Friday last week at a function which was held in Lilongwe.

Renowned environmental activist and entreprenuer, Edward Chidombe Msiska has since described the book as very insightful.

Msiska who also attended the book launch has spoken highly of the book, saying it delves into the root causes of the country’s underdevelopment and offers practical, innovative solutions to overcome them.

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