My Community My Responsibility, a local non-governmental organisation, is taking strides in empowering youths and young mothers in Lilongwe Urban to produce briquettes from paper waste, promoting environmental conservation as well as economic empowerment.

The organisation’s Director Brian Khembo, said the initiative aims at addressing environmental degradation in urban areas while providing sustainable livelihoods for marginalised groups.

So far, the organisation has trained 50 youths in Mtandire and Dzalanyama areas, equipping them with skills to recycle paper waste into eco-friendly briquettes.

These briquettes serve as a sustainable alternative to charcoal, reducing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

“It is for every Malawian to take care of this country because we only have this country. So, by doing this, we are trying our level best to protect it,” said Khembo.

By promoting this innovative approach, My Community My Responsibility is not only conserving the environment, but also fostering economic growth and social development in local communities.

“We are committed to reaching different areas in Lilongwe, spreading awareness and empowering more individuals to take action against environmental degradation,” Khembo said.

However, he said that the organisation cannot achieve its goals alone.

He urged government agencies, private sector companies and other organisations to partner with ‘My Community My Responsibility’ to boost its impact.

“We need support to reach out to more areas, train more individuals and create a significant difference in our environment. Together, we can make a lasting change and promote sustainable development in Malawi,” added Khembo.

One of the beneficiaries from Dzalanyama, Sinoya Chimowe has hailed the initiative, saying it is their responsibility too as youth to take part in environmental conservation.

Of late, Malawi has been experiencing cyclones resulting in devastating effects on infrastructure such as roads, electricity poles and generation plants, loss of property as well as people’s lives.

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