China-based Malawian lecturer Dr Patrick Bande has gone an extra mile in recognising the impact that teachers have on the performance of students.

He has offered to award any primary and school teacher whose learners or students have passed the Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) examinations for Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations and Junior Secondary School Certificate of Education (JCE) with distinctions.

The Social and Communication lecturer said the offer is for Nsanje North teachers, his home area to motivate the teachers to produce good results.

He will offer K10,000 to all teachers whose students have passed their subjects with impeccable grades.

Said Bande: “It’s not only passing but also good grades. I know most students do not work hard for various reasons. But for a example in a class of 40, not all can be not hard workers and failures.

He also said he feels bad with the poor performance of learners in the area.

He said: “I am an educator and education is my number one area of interest. I believe that it helps to unlock doors to success in one’s life. It is also a key to human development. When one is educated, their quality of life improves.

“But we have a problem in Nsanje North in that our students haven’t been doing well in national examinations and it’s an issue that worries me a lot.

“As a way of motivating the teachers, I have decided to award them if they manage to produce distinctions.”

Bande said so far Fatima and Masenjere Community Secondary Schools and Sankhulani Primary School teachers have qualified for the reward.

“I am still waiting as you know most people are not on social media. So, it’s going to take awhile. My plan is to wait and get all information and presents the rewards on opening day of the next school calendar,” he said.

Nsanje District Education Manager MacShadis Dakamau welcomed the gesture.

“It is a good motivation. I support it that he can do it so that we recognise best performing teachers.I suggest should go ahead with the plans,” he said.

Dr Patrick Bande is younger brother to Member of Parliament and former Cabinet Minister John Bande.

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