Young Entrepreneur Makes Waves in Food Production

Mercy Banda, a 28-year-old food production entrepreneur, is making a name for herself in the culinary industry.

With a diploma from a South African college, Banda honed her skills abroad before returning home to pursue her passion.

In 2022, she started from humble beginnings, producing sausages from her home kitchen. But her business gained momentum within a short time.

She then expanded her product line to include doughnuts, various types of cakes, Rainbow Juice and Malambe Juice, among others.

“I never thought that I will be here today. While I was in South Africa, I thought I was comfortable. I was afraid to start on my own, but the death of my mom brought me here and here I am now smiling,” said Banda.

Meanwhile, Banda’s hard work has paid off. She has built a shop in Lilongwe, where she sells her products on both wholesale and retail basis. Her business has not only enabled her to support herself but also created employment opportunities for three others.

Banda’s ultimate dream is to own a large-scale bakery shop in Malawi and judging by her progress, her goal can be achieved.

“I’m proud to be contributing to the growth of Malawi’s food industry. My journey has not been easy, but it’s been worth it,” added Banda.

Merry Banda has urged young ladies in the country to never look down upon themselves.

“It might be hard to start and It might go soar on the way but you don’t have to give up trust me it’s doable” concluded Banda.

One of her trusted customer, Maria Chapole has applauded Mercy’s products calling them sweet and appealing.

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