Chiefs in Nsanje have applauded government for coming up with an initiative on constructing Gwanda Secondary School of Excellence which is going to boost the quality of education in the district.

Senior Chief Tengani said what the government has done is a good move which is going to revamp education standards.

Senior Chief Tengani told ProjectM that Gwanda Chakuamba was a hero in the Shire Valley districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa.

“As the custodian of people and land we are very gratitude to the gesture which the government is doing for the communities.

However, the senior chief said there is a need for authorities to consult family members for their input.

Director of Education Infrastructure Management Unit, Arthur Chiphiko said government is going to construct secondary schools of excellence across the country which has not spared Nsanje.

He said his ministry is going to built such secondary schools across the country.

Chiphiko said the government is going to start with office districts of Nsanje, Rumphi, Lilongwe and Mchinji as pilot district.

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