Obstacle avoidance gadget for the blind

A 23 year old Hudson Mwangalika has developed an obstacle avoidance gadget for the blind.

“I discovered that people with blind disability are not considered in a lot of things and they always need someone to help them in their day to day life that is why I developed this gadget “, Mwangalika said.

The gadget is in a form of a cap that has sensors that are able to scan a 360 angle and sense objects nearby and alerts the person about the objects that are in the surrounding.

The advantages of this gadget is that one can easily walk by himself without the use of a walking stick or by anyone’s help.

Mwangalika added that, the obstacle avoidance gadget also has a Global Positioning System (GPS) that is able to tell the person about which route to take when walking and it also has a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) that shows that the person is blind so that other ‘s should be able to recognize that the person is blind and should be given space.

He also revealed that he developed a drone and currently he is developing an electric car for the blind and has asked well wishers to help him in terms of finance so that he should finish the project.

Mwangalika teaches robotics, drone data, smart soldering, artificial intelligence (AI) at the Malawi University of Applied Business and Sciences (MUBAS) during weekends and also instructs final year students in developing prototype and Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects.

For any assistance, please contact him on this number +265 888 50 28 17

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