Malawi National Council of Sports has said the Blantyre 42.195-kilometre (km) Race, formerly known as Blantyre Marathon, will be held on September 7.

In an interview with ProjectM, Sports Council director of planning, marketing and infrastructure development Limbani Matola said apart from the main race, they have added 5km and 10km events to give a chance to more athletes to participate.

Previously, the 5 km and 10km races were held as fun races.

“We have repositioned the race to suit not only professional athletes but also those doing it for fun. We want everyone to take part in this year’s edition,” he said.

“Everyone is welcome to compete and we urge companies and organisations to come and register their employees because such events have many health benefits.”
He said athletes wishing to compete in the 42.195km race will pay K20 000 registration fee while fees for those going for 10km and 5km events are K15 000 and K10 000, respectively.

Matola said proceeds from this year’s race will go towards the imminent Mothers’ Day celebrations as they will make a donation to a maternity wing at some health centres in the commercial city.

The race’s head of technical committee chairperson Evance Chiphwanya said all is set for the competition, which will see the 42.195km race winner taking home K1.5 million, will now take a different route.

“In the previous edition, the athletes ran in a one-way route to complete the race but now we will have a route that is three-fold,” he said.

Last year, Mzuzu-based female athlete Nalicy Chirwa defended the Blantyre 42.195km Race in the ladies’ section while Lilongwe-based Grevazio Mpani won it in the men’s section.

In the 42.195km Race, champions in men and women’s category will pocket K1.5 million, runners-up K1 million, third-placed K750,000. In the 10km event, winners will receive K750,000 runners-up K500,000, third-positioned K250,000 while in the 5km champions will get K375,000, second-placed K250,000 and bronze medallists K125,000.

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