The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Business Council has implored female entrepreneurs in the country to embrace digital innovation, saying it is more profitable and secure.

The remarks were made Thursday in Lilongwe during the closing of a three-day capacity building training on digital inclusion in business organised by the COMESA Business Council.

The council’s Chief Executive Officer, Teddy Soobramanien said the training was organised as part of the COMESA Business Council’s Digital Financial Inclusion (DFI) programme.

“The programme aims at supporting the design, development and deployment of an integrated regional digital financial services infrastructure that is low-cost, interoperable and fraud-resistant, serving micro, small and medium-sized enterprises,” said Soobramanien.

Among others, participants were trained in technical and management aspects of running enterprises using digital platforms, financial literacy, e-commerce, business management and online marketing.

“With many aspects of business transactions going digital, we are excited about the prospect of our women utilising the skills gained from this training to enhance their businesses further,” said Soobramanien.

Speaking on behalf of the country’s business women, COMESA Federation of Women in Business (COMFWB) national chairperson Selina Mwenelupembe urged the country’s female entrepreneurs to put to goo use the knowledge gained.

“We hope our women have leant a thing or two from this training,” said Mwenelupembe.

One of the participants of the training, Lonjezo Khalani Chinkhadze commended COMESA Business Council for organising the training, saying she has gained valuable expertise.

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