Lilongwe-based prolific innovator Samson Chanodza has invented a water-powered cooking gadget.

The 22-year-old, based in Area 24 has told ProjectM in an interview that he invented the device as one way of easing energy problems affecting people in the country.

His device comprises three chambers and a stand where a user puts a pot.

“When you apply water in one of these chambers, the water undergoes a chemical process which results in a separation of molecules,” said Chanodza.

After the chemical reaction, the final chamber is filled with hydrogen molecules (gas) which when ignited, it burns.

The Form Four leaver added that he got inspired by his father who was an engineer for the Malawi Telecommunications Limited (MTL).

“I never undergone any technical training. All I am doing here is pure talent,” said Chanodza.

The inventor has since appealed for support from well wishers for him to start producing the gadget on an industrial scale.

“Currently, I am unable to manufacture the devices for sale because I don’t have financial muscle,” he said.

Chinodza started innovation back in secondary school and he has also invented Nsima Cooking machines, radio stations and phones.

“Almost each and every year I come up with new innovation but it doesn’t go far because of lack of financial support,” he added.

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