The Lilongwe city council says it will lead the charge in enticing city dwellers to embrace modern technologies and adopt the use of environmental friendly products.

The new Lilongwe city mayor Esther Sagawa has told ProjectM in an exclusive interview that the council has already initiated steps to achieve the goals.

Sagawa said currently, the council is expanding works at it’s garden located in area 13, a development she said will help the council achieve it’s “Green vision”.

“We are very committed as a council to create a greener and more sustainable future for our city and its residents,” Sagawa said.

She added that going forward, the council will continue tree planting exercises all year round in a quest to increase green spaces and create a healthier environment.

“We believe in power of trees in combating climate change and improvement of air quality and that’s why we are ready to embrace it,” said Sagawa.

The council has also initiated various waste management programs which it says is crucial in sustaining hygiene.

Among others, the city says it is doing a monthly community clean-up exercises aimed creating a platform for city dwellers to embrace recycling habit, waste separation education and reduction of waste.

“We are doing this through community engagement, ward meetings and awareness campaigns,” She added.

The city has also embraced electronic system of payment which it says is among one of the innovations that has improved revenue collection.

The E-payment system is being used by motorists who want to pay parking fees and payment of city rates, among others.

One of city’s longest dwellers, Tapiwa Kaulimbo has since implored the council to make good of it’s promises.

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