Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) has embarked on a K 160 million Sexual Reproductive Health Rights ( SRHR) in Nsanje.

Project Coordinator for Faith Based Approach to SRHR, Jemimah Phiri said the project is aimed at curbing early marriages and early pregnancies in the district.

She said the project is going to be carried out in the areas of Traditional Authorities Ndamera and Tengani in Nsanje.

Phiri told ProjectM that the said duo areas have high levels of teenage marriages and early pregnancies.

“ NowergianChurch Aid (NCA) and DanChurch Aid ( DCA) conducted a survey through the District Social Welfare Office and their findings revealed that the two areas have an increase of cases hence the project,” she said.

The coordinator also said the project is going to work with 150 traditional leaders and 20,000 families drawn from the two traditional authorities.

Earlier Senior Chief Tengani said CARD has arrived at the right time as the Vice is escalated by some cultural practices.

He was quick to reveal that most Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working in the district shun the hard to reach areas.

“ Many NGOs are operating along the M1 Road due to the poor roadnetwork in areas such as Bwangu, Kawa, Misamvu just to name but afew,” he said.

On this point, the senior traditional leader said CARD has assured him that it is going to reach out to those areas during the course of the project with financial support from the NowergianChurch Aid ( NCA) and DanChurch Aid ( DCA) with funding from the Royal Nowergian.

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