Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) Executive Director Milton Luhanga says he is impressed with the performance of the communities managing the Mizimu Disability garden in the area of senior Chief Tengani in Nsanje.

He said he is pleased to see the cooperation existing between the persons with disabilities and the abled working together in the garden.

Luhanga told ProjectM that CARD introduced a project through the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) which incorporates people with disabilities to the communities who for long time were being sidelined in the society.

“Iam very happy to see both persons with disabilities working together with the abled ones freely,” he said.

According to the executive director it is the wish of his organisation to see people with various disabilities able to support themselves.

Earlier Tengani Area Disability Forum Chairperson Misheck Martin has hailed CARD for the tireless support it is rendering to persons with disabilities through the DIDRR.

He said people have started seeing the benefits of garden which is going to improve the livelihoods of the persons with disabilities.

“ We have plans to expand the garden to a bigger area in order to have more land for cultivation,” said the chairperson.

A lead farmer Julius Kapindu said the coming of the Mizimu Disability Garden has empowered the persons with disabilities to have something to do which is directly assisting them.

However, the lead farmer was quick to reveal that water is the main challenge which is affecting the operation as they source water from a distance of half kilometer.

“We have started digging our shallow well from which we will be drawing water from,” he said.

Kapindu observed that the shallow well might not be effective in the dry season.

CARD is operating in twelve districts in Malawi.

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