Mwalanthuzi is believed to be a stone that has mythological story behind it and is found along Thyolo-Mulanje road in Naming`omba Tea Estate in Thyolo district.  

The stone was named Mwalanthuzi because of the shield that it used to give despite the weather being cloudy, rainy or sunny.

Back in the days the ancestors would find young children as well as adults playing round the stone. And they would knock on the stone and then go round it. After the ancestors saw this, they had to follow what they saw and later became a culture from which some mystical activities occurred.

The stone is also popular with the myth that one cannot finish going round the stone while whistling. Many around the village as well as travelers have tried to go around the stone while whistling and indeed it proved out to be true, its either you run out of breath of your whistle becomes mute.

This is not the only myth that the stone has it is also believed that there used to be found already prepared meal around Mwalanthuzi. And in case you got lucky and find the meal you were not supposed to invite a friend or else you would go missing and as such you were supposed to eat alone.

Road Contractors tried to remove the stone back in the years during a road construction multiple times but they would find the stone back in its original place. The contractors finally gave up when they had placed the stone in Mulanje and the following day they found the stone back in Thyolo. And ever since they stone is considered as a sacred one.

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