A comedian, content creator and a media personality Mayamiko Mbuzi has launched a campaign aimed at civic educating school going girls the dangers of engaging in sexual activities with older men popularly known as “Blessers”.

Trading under the name “Blesser Alufeyo”, Mbuzi targets young girls from areas such as 2, 23, 22 and 24 in Lilongwe City.

The 23-year-old has told ProjectM in an interview that he wants to use his influence as a comedian to educate girls on the dangers of dating older men.

“As a comedian, I feel like I have a duty to produce content that can impact people’s lives positively,” said Mbuzi.

His campaign will start with schools from Area 23 where arrangements are already at an advanced stage to meet learners from several schools.

“People are used to accessing my content through social media, but I want to give a chance to learners who mostly have little access to the internet,” said Mbuzi.

He has since urged teachers, parents and guardians to teach children better ways of using the internet, saying if better used children can access messages of change through the platforms.

“People think social media is full of useless content, but I am here to help in changing that narrative,” he added.

Meanwhile, child rights activist Vincent Matiya Chirwa has commended Mbuzi for coming up with the initiative, saying it will help to protect girls from men who prey on them.

You can access Mayamiko Mbuzi’s content through Facebook or YouTube by searching “Mayamiko Mbuzi”

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