As innovators are emerging in the country with projects that add value to the country’s social- economic growth, Ted Kwelepeta has made headlines with his man made hand driven tractor.

Kwelepeta told Project M that his aim is to improve farming from using hoes as this is not only tedious but also not efficient compared to use of tractors.

He said: “I was inspired to come up with this innovative idea after observing how much sweat was needed for farmers to prepare their fields up to harvesting time. Currently, things have changed and we can also have the privilege of using portable, cheap and effective machines such as tractors.”

The two-wheeled walking tractor innovator added that he started working on the tractor for over 5 years now but he attributed lack of financial assistance as one major setback affecting his vision and completion of such modification on the tractor.

Said Kwelepeta: “Much of the work has been and the tractor functions properly. But there are some things which need to be done such as developing a tilter and a plough among others. The tractor can be ridden or not during the course of work and it works efficiently either ways. 

“Currently, it is not on the market but my wish is to have more of these that can be sold to farmers at a cheap price and thereby promoting agriculture for the country to be food secure.”

He added that his tractor is currently operating and he hopes to manufacture more if resources will be available.

He said, the tractors are made from local materials.

In his remarks, Former President for Famers Union of Malawi Frighton Njolomole encouraged innovators to continue bringing ideas that would increase the agriculture commercialisation.

“It is pleasing to note that innovators are taking a leading role in developing ideas that are capable of promoting industrialisation and the use of machines in our farming system. That is the way to go if we need to be food secure as a country and also promoting farming as business,” said Njolomole.

Apart from such innovation, Kwelepeta also modifies machines to serve in different purposes.

Ted Kwelepeta is found on 0888849815

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