Ten-year-old Malawian boy based in Dublin, Ireland, Kennedy Mhango, has emerged as the winner in the Association of Malawians in Ireland (AMAI) Kids Got Talent Cultural competition announced on December 14 at the AMAI Gala Awards.
According to one of the competition judges Brian Mwenelupembe, Mhango was voted the winner due to his impressive presentation of Malawian culture, including Ingoma dancing skills, knowledge of Malawi football and language proficiency.
“He deserves to be the top winner. He has displayed amazing skills, and it is clear he got talent,” said Mwenelupembe.
In an interview, AMAI President Henry Mkumbira Phiri explained that the association organised the competition to promote Malawian culture among Malawian children living in Ireland.
“We plan to hold a similar competition next year,” said Phiri.
Mhango’s mother Lumbani, expressed gratitude to AMAI for organising the competition, which encourages Malawian kids in Ireland to learn about their heritage.
“We are thankful to AMAI for introducing this wonderful competition. It helps us expose our hidden talents and skills,” said Mhango.
Four children participated in this year’s competition.